'And the skin is where all the nutrients and essential oils of the healthy bird is stored. It makes it some the oiliest food you'll ever enjoy. It's dribbling-down-between-your-fingers good'
By far the most economic thing on the new menu is the McChicken Cock Head, which contains an entire rooster's face in batter.
'I have to say, I was kinda surprised by the thing...' says Kansas McDonald's fan Darren Troy Wainwright, III. 'I thought at first that it wouldn't work. I've never enjoyed eatin' an animal's face before, but the Mc Cock Head tastes real good.
'I think of it like a regular chicken nuggets but the beak gives it a real crunch. Make's eatin' it kinda exciting...'.
The McEconomy range with be making it's first apperance this side of the Atlantic at the Slough restaurant at the beginning of May.